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New Nintendo Switch may be released in 2021

25 august, 11:23


There is a high possibility of a new Nintendo Switch release in 2021. This information was shared by the Economic Daily News in its latest report. It states that the new console will enter production at the end of the year, and will appear on store shelves in 2021.

  The publisher indicated that he received the info from anonymous sources in the production environment of the game hardware. According to it, the new Switch will have the highest quality display and awe-inspiring interactivity.

  Nothing more is known about the possible console specifications, for now, so we can only speculate about whether it will be a Pro-version of the Switch with enhanced equipment or another modification.

(Credit: Nintendo)

  The first mentions of the aforementioned Pro appeared back in 2019, and have been rising from time to time. For instance, The Wall Street Journal reporters suggested the appearance of a new Nintendo back in August 2019. However, the manufacturer itself rejected these rumors, announcing that there are no plans to release the Switch Pro in 2020. On the other hand, the company did not say anything about next year, so fans keep hoping for a new Nintendo console in 2021.

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