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First two Metal Gear Solid games released on GOG

26 september, 15:31


Konami has re-released the first games of its acclaimed “Metal Gear” series digitally for PC – 1987 Metal Gear, the PC version of Metal Gear Solid, and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance are now available to purchase on GOG.

This is not the first appearance of these games on the PC – gamers had the opportunity to run them on computers back in the distant 1990s, but the game was distributed only on physical disks. The digital release later occurred for consoles, but not for PCs, so players couldn’t purchase these games on Steam and run them without having discs older than most MGS fans nowadays.

There are no special changes in the re-releases – these are the same ports for PC games as on disks, but they still differ slightly from the console versions. So, for example, MGS2 has expanded content in the form of bonus missions, as well as a simplified ability to save progress.

It is worth noting that a company has also published a set of re-releases of its other old famous games, including three Castlevania games (the first one, Simon’s Quest and Dracula’s Curse), as well as Super C and Contra.

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