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Dota 2 gets new heroine

12 april, 14:14


The developers of the well-known game introduced a new strong character into it called Dawnbreaker. It is another “carry” character that has a melee type of attack. The heroine’s real name is Valora. She belongs to the Children of Light – the very ones who took the Guardian’s matters into their own hands after his exodus.

Dawnbreaker Abilities

The end of the battle often depends on the carry, but the character sometimes can prove himself in the midst of the game. Dawnbreaker wields a heavenly hammer that can knock down enemies and finally render them harmless. The new heroine willingly appeals to her cosmic power, helping her to be in the right place and at the right time to defeat the enemy team. The heroine, of course, manages to heal her comrades.

 The main advantages of the character are power and resilience, thanks to which he can inflict fatal damage. Besides, the greater the magnitude of the damage, the better the healing will follow.

The heroine with the hammer was not the original goal of the developers – she comes as a part of the larger game update update – Dota 2 v7.29. It contains map updates, new items, and much more.

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