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Microsoft Flight Simulator gets a VR

9 october, 01:00


On yesterday’s Q&A stream, the head of Microsoft Flight Simulator, Jorg Neumann, announced the upcoming beta test of VR technology for this game.

Fans have long demanded virtual reality support for Microsoft’s latest flight simulator, as the beautiful scenery and flight mechanics will give you an incredibly immersive experience. The company listened to the requests – it turned out that it has been working on introducing VR into the game for a year now. At the moment, preparations are almost complete, Neumann says, and the only matter remaining is a beta-testing from the players. It will open in early November, and a group of fans will soon be able to help the developers.

To participate in the test, you must fill out an inquiry on the Microsoft website, as well as have the appropriate equipment, including a Windows Mixed Reality VR headset, with which beta testing will begin.

The team also has news for the wider public – in a few months, the game world’s second expansion will be released, including the USA. Also, the developers announced the possible appearance of the year’s seasons, even though we won’t be seeing it anytime soon – Microsoft’s attention is currently focused on multiplayer, so such cosmetic changes can wait.

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