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No Man’s Sky is to receive a big update soon

2 april, 23:36


Hello Games, developer of No Man’s Sky, has announced the forthcoming release of a global Expedition update. The extension contains many changes, from minor bug fixes to the introduction of a new game mode.

Perhaps the biggest improvement will be Expedition. It is a new game mode, the fourth one after Normal, Creative, and Survival. Its highlight is the systematic journey inside the gaming universe. Players now start on a random planet with random equipment. Unlike other modes, this one gives the user a defined route of planets’ exploration. Also, in order to complete the Expedition, you need to clear a variety of missions, including the search for animals or the colonization of worlds. The players’ paths will diverge quite often, but they will intersect again on special “rendezvous” planets.

Other than some quality time, Expeditions are interesting for their rewards. Successful playthroughs unlock access to commemorative patches and spaceships. Moreover, the mode will be periodically updated, thus making Expeditions an analog of in-game events.

It is worth noting that the update has improved the game interface, some aspects of the combat system or discoveries, and also fixed many bugs.

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