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The update of Minecraft Bedrock has been released

2 september, 23:08


Updating Minecraft Bedrock Beta was not stopped after release. Another beta and updates have been released on the Nintendo Switch and PS4 platforms, respectively. In the current beta version, in addition to fixing bugs, there are a number of major changes.

General innovations

  • The textures of lava and water are visible now after installing a block of mucus or honey over them.
  • Portals in the End must correctly calculate the distance to the center of the block when determining the exit point.
  • Plants and sprouts will grow correctly on the borders of the chunks.

Structural blocks

  • The name field has been removed from the 3D block model export screen.
  • Error of wrong calculating chunks for blocks that change in the preview window was fixed.
  • Loading and unloading structures will no longer affect blocks in adjacent chunks.
  • A bug that prevented clear boundaries after Reset was fixed too.

Technical innovations

  • Entity creation logic was improved and corrected. You can now create entities using the execute command in many previously impossible situations.
  • A bug displaying a particle and controllers of its playback animation, followed by switching to another state was fixed.

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